Ready- Steady- Go - Kingsland Physio and Massage
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Ready- Steady- Go

Ready- Steady- Go

Here at the home of Kingsland Physiotherapy we often have clients who mention they would like to begin or get back into running. One of the major concerns that prevent so many of our clients from doing this is the fear of getting injured.  There is no denying that we have definitely noticed an upward trend in clients presenting to Kingsland Physiotherapy with running related injuries. We thought no better way to tackle these issues than putting some useful information together to get you off to the right start!


Ready Steady Go…od to know

It is important that you understand running can an incredibly tough sport especially when you are just beginning. It can cause huge strain on ligaments, muscles and bones, especially if they have been underutilised for many years.


Ready Steady Go….als

No better way to begin than setting yourself a goal. Whether it be for general fitness or wanting to compete in a race, there are ample fun and competitive races to avail from on Auckland’s doorstep. If perhaps you are looking for something more regular or social Auckland has many weekly parkruns or running clubs that cater for all different abilities. (See useful links below)


Ready Stretch Go

When stretching, focus on active/dynamic stretches where you are moving all the time over static stretches where you say stretch for 30 seconds at a time. Active or dynamic stretching is preferred because it best prepares you for the exercise ahead. Static stretching can play a role in your recovery after exercise.


Ready Strengthen GO

There is a lot of extensive evidence to support the inclusion of weight training and plyometric training in runners. Not alone can strength training reduce your likelihood of getting injured but being consistent and progressive with your training load can in turn improve your overall performance.


 Ready Steady H20

The hydration needs of a runner are specific to the individual, environmental conditions and duration of exercise. Certain individuals who sweat more, need to consume more fluids with some additional sodium added. It is very important that we increase our uptake during the warm and humid months.


Ready Steady… Walk then Go

While there are many walk to jog/return to running programmes available online we particularly like the one of friends at Axis sports medicine have created as we feel it allows adequate time for the body to adapt to changes in load. It also provides the runner with information if the body is struggling with the volume of load



  • Comfortable walking pace
  • Start at 15 minutes per day
  • Increase by 5 minutes every second walk
  • When you have performed two 40-minute walks without problems progress to Walk-Jog.



  • Walk a lamppost, jog a lamppost; walk 30 sec, jog 30 sec; walk 30 paces, jog 40 paces
  • Come back to 15 minutes per day
  • Increase by 5 minutes every second walk-jog
  • When you have performed two 40-minute walk-jogs without problems, progress to Jogging.



  • Comfortable, “conversation” pace
  • Come back to 15 minutes – but now only train every second day
  • Increase by 5 minutes every second jog

When you have jogged for 40 minutes on two occasions without problems, you can return to your normal training – if this involves explosive sprints, you should increase this type of training gradually over 2 weeks.


 Ready Steady Physio

You may wonder where physiotherapy links into the chain. When infact physiotherapy can be linked to all stages of the chain. Whether its educational advise on footwear, different types of training, goal setting to nutritional tips.

Physiotherapists are also equipped to assess your gait or running technique and re-educate you into moving more efficiently.

Physiotherapy can provide you with a strengthening programme that can target areas of weakness preventing future injury and enhancing performance.

Physiotherapist also play a crucial role with the chain breaks down. We treat all types of injuries acute and chronic developed from running and often can bring in a holistic approach to this treatment where we feel it will be beneficial.


If you have questions on any of the above or would like to be assessed prior to beginning the walk to jog journey, please feel free to book in with us at any stage.


Useful info:





  • Chaouachi, A., Castagna, C., Chtara, M., Brughelli, M., Turki, O., Galy, O., Chamari, K. and Behm, D. (2010). Effect of Warm-Ups Involving Static or Dynamic Stretching on Agility, Sprinting, and Jumping Performance in Trained Individuals. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24(8), pp.2001-2011.
  • van den Tillaar, R., Vatten, T. and von Heimburg, E. (2017). Effects of Short or Long Warm-up on Intermediate Running Performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 31(1), pp.37-44.
  • Balsalobre-Fernández, C., Santos-Concejero, J. and Grivas, G. (2016). Effects of Strength Training on Running Economy in Highly Trained Runners. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(8), pp.2361-2368.
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