Road safety
If you’re doing a road trip, most importantly – minimize distractions!! Please think twice, or pull over if you need to do something else (check your cellphone, reach for something, check your makeup, or eat a snack). Remember to keep left, and be patient – don’t overtake on those risky corners, you won’t get to your destination any faster. There is a zero tolerance speed limit this year. Of course, always wear your seat-belt, and drive to the conditions.
Most importantly, don’t drive tired – a tired driver can be just as bad as a drunk driver. If you’re tired (yawning, blinking, daydreaming or drifting in your lane), share the driving load between you – or if this isn’t possible, pull over and have a 15-20min “power nap”. Don’t nap for any longer, as you may enter deep sleep, and feel more tired when you wake up.
If a power nap is impossible, a banana and some water could be beneficial. Although caffeine may be a solution, this may take 15-20mins to kick in, and only have a short-term effect, so this may not be a helpful solution for a long journey.
Water safety
In the water, always swim to your abilities. Know your limits. If you’re on a patrolled beach, always swim between the flags. Look out for rips – the most obvious signs are a calm spot with fewer breaking waves, and deeper, darker water. If you do get caught, remember the 3 Rs ; Relax & Float (to conserve your energy – float with the rip, instead of trying to swim back to shore), Raise your hand (to signal for help), and Ride the rip until it stops or you can swim back to shore – stay calm, and don’t try to fight it and swim against it.
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