Physiotherapy Kingsland, Morningside, Auckand - Kingsland Physio and Massage
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We offer physiotherapy in Kingsland and Morningside, Auckland.

We embrace the philosophy that our clients are capable of helping themselves with the right professional guidance.

The nature of our treatment is to get our clients to a stage where they can maintain independence without the need for on-going treatment where ever possible.

Manual therapy

Joint mobilisation/manipulation- involves skilled application of hands on techniques to reduce pain and restore normal movement. It can include a controlled fast movement of a joint which often produces an audible clicking sound.

Soft tissue massage/Trigger point release – Hands on massage and or sustained pressure on specific tight areas of muscle or knots which will increase circulation to the area, reduce tension and make you feel better!

Here at Kingsland Physio, Janaka, Helen and Katie are trained in dry needling which can be used to complement conventional Physiotherapy treatments and works wonders for releasing tight muscles. Acupuncture can be used to help reduce your pain by helping release the body’s natural painkillers and reducing muscle spasm. Acupuncture can be used to treat many conditions including:


Muscle Imbalance/Postural correction

This involves identifying and correcting any faulty movement patterns you maybe doing on a daily basis without knowing it. We will check your posture, muscle length and alignment to make sure everything is how it should be to prevent injuries and improve performance.

Exercise Prescription

Believe it or not but exercise alongside physio treatment is the key to making a full recovery from most injuries. We can all benefit from doing more exercise! We will give you a specific tailored exercise program to make sure you return to optimum physical condition.

We effectively treat

  • Low back pain – read more >
  • Neck pain
  • Muscle strains
  • Sports Injuries
  • Work related injuries
  • Muscle imbalances
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Headaches
  • Chronic injuries
  • Stress fractures
  • Pre and post surgery patients
  • Posture dysfunctions
  • Nerve pain
  • Hand and wrist pain

plus many other conditions…


What to expect…

You will be given a diagnosis of your injury and the likely causes explained to you in plain English, not just physio mumbo jumbo. Your first session will be 45 minutes long so will start treatment straight away. This will be hands on treatment backed up by the latest research. Our physios are continually doing courses and keeping up to date with the latest research in order to give you the best treatment possible. We will talk through a treatment plan with you based on your goals and what you want to achieve. You will then be given a home exercise program to start and we will know if you have been doing them or not!

What to wear…

To ensure the best assessment and treatment, the injured body site will need to be accessible for therapy. Robes, shorts and towels are available to use, however, patients are encouraged to bring comfortable and appropriate clothes such as shorts and a singlet.

Please arrive 10 minutes early to fill out paper work.

You will receive a confirmation email or text of your appointment time. If by any reason you are unable to make your appointment please call us as soon as possible so someone can use the time.


Georgina Gardner

Georgina Gardner

BHSC (Physio), PGDIP (MSK)

Georgina graduated from AUT in 2015 and has worked in private practice since then. She also completed her Post Graduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy in 2020 and has focused her skills on Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy ever since.

Alfred Vondermann

Alfred Vondermann

BHSc Physio

Alfred has a keen interest in providing quality musculoskeletal physiotherapy to both the general public and athletes. Alfred is well practiced in exercise prescription, soft tissue therapy techniques and acupuncture.

Josh Kronfeld

Josh Kronfeld

BHSc Physio

Josh is more famously known as an All Blacks legend! He has a keen interest in musculoskeletal injuries and also practices acupuncture.

Janaka Radich

Janaka Radich

BHSc (Physio) MPNZ, COMT

Janaka specialises in treating sporting and complex spinal injuries and has a keen interest in manual therapy and acupuncture completing post-graduate courses in osteopathic manipulation and muscle energy techniques.

Helen Edwards

Helen Edwards

BHSc (Physio), PGCert (Western Acup)

Helen has practiced in the private sector for the past 8 years and has extensive experience in specialty areas including sporting injuries, spinal dysfunction, Pilates, pregnancy and post-natal assessment, treatment and rehabilitation.