William Chang - Kingsland Physio and Massage
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William Chang


William is originally from Taiwan and he has been here in NZ since he was 15. He went to Auckland Grammar school and this helped him interact with different cultures.

William graduated from The New Zealand College of Chinese Medicine, and as an ACC-accredited Acupuncturist and a member of NZASA, he specializes in the treatment of acute and chronic pain, non-pain conditions, and stress and lifestyle imbalances. He relies on his palpation skills and touch to understand body imbalances. Combined with gentle needling techniques, he utilizes cupping and acupressure massage (Tuina) to maximize patients’ self- healing mechanisms. 

Over the past 5 years he has also been treating diseases related to internal disorders such as insomnia, anxiety and depression, high blood pressure and different types of chronic problems. 

He always has the passion to help people with their health condition and to live a pain-free and comfortable life. 

William appreciates the uniqueness of each patient and always adjusts according to their condition, comfort and level of tolerance.  

He is fluent in English, Mandarin and several Chinese dialogues. 

Outside of work William enjoys travelling, tramping and most sight-seeing activities.